A community

Here at Collegiate, when we design our accommodation, we design it to maximise our tenant’s health and wellbeing rather than fitting in as many bedrooms as possible.

We focus on spaces that enable students to get the best out of uni life, whether that be studying or having fun. We also incorporate communal facilities such as gyms, cinema rooms and dining rooms to help build a community within our accommodation, as well as organising social events on and off site

The importance we place on physical and mental health starts there, but goes beyond the look and design of our four walls. It’s integral in our operations and in the tools we provide to our students.

All our accommodation managers and assistant managers are fully mental health first aid trained by Mental Health First Aid England (MHFAE) and we have strong links with all Universities in all our cities, so there is always somebody on hand to provide support.

Wellbeing resources

We have also partnered with Health Assured to provide a 24-hour helpline to support our students through any of life’s issues or problems. They are there to help with personal and professional problems that could be affecting home life or student life, health, and general wellbeing. They are also able to extend their support to partners and dependants. The helpline is available 24/7, 365 days a year.

All our residents have access to the My Healthy Advantage app and Health Assured Online Portal, which offer a variety of wellbeing guides, fact sheets, webinars, four-week programmes, health checks and more, to help students manage their physical, mental and emotional health.

My Health Advantage offers industry-leading features across 4 key categories – wellness, wellbeing, engagement and reward & recognition. These provide support for any issue students may be facing, and offer effective management techniques.

Health Assured Online not only provides emotional support, it also gives guidance on many practical issues. These include, legal matters; motoring issues; benefits information; tenancy and housing concerns and immigration information.

The Collegiate Charitable Trust

In 2019 we launched The Collegiate Charitable Trust which works with a range of educational charities to ensure access and support is provided to students whenever they need it. We also recommend Student Minds, which is the UK’s student mental health charity.

The charity aims to empower students and members of the university community to develop the knowledge, confidence and skills to look after their own mental health, support others, and create change. They also work with student unions and other organisations involved in higher education.